Thursday, February 26, 2009

Taco bell on paper

it is my idea on paper as you see this is just a plan that I had to do so it is not very sensitive it is just an idea I hope that I will do it with softwere the best.

Toco Bell(first assigment)

I decided to choose Taco Bell logo for assigment1 so i tried to find a lot of information about it.

As the lecturer said we have to create something which pertains to one culture and i tried to show

my nationality and also my culture in this logo.

I hope that i can do my best



Hi everybody,

My name is Aida Mahmoudi Rad.

Here is my blog that i want to put all my assigments which is for computer graphics in it.

I hope that i can do it as well as possible.

Tnx for visiting my blog
